
Posts Tagged ‘Forums’

Wishful thinking

October 23, 2010 25 comments

Sometimes we wish so hard for something to be true, it will prevent us from seeing the reality as it really is. If we are very stubborn in our wishful thinking, we might even call it denial. In some cases deception.

Michael Jackson left us in June 2009. 16 months ago. Still some are convinced he is alive and might even come back.

To those that believe this, I have to ask; did you ever grieve or mourn the loss of Michael? If you did, I wonder why you are so convinced that he might still be around. Read more…

Unite in support!

June 5, 2010 9 comments

It’s all for L.O.V.E.. have you heard that phrase before?
It’s something we say time and time again, and no doubt we mean it. And mean it well. But do we all practice what we say?

Michael Jackson fans all over the world, needs to unite in support of Michael, right now. No matter what their beliefs are. There are people out there trying to make a buck on Michael, not caring about anything but themselves, and what they can gain from all this.

They want the fame. They want the spotlight.  They want money.. Read more…