
Posts Tagged ‘innocence’

Stressors that overshadow respect for MJ

July 10, 2010 20 comments

MJ Love
Do you value what Michael has so often said; “I love you”…
“I love you more.” ?
I wrote this in honor of his words; with great respect for a man of a genuinely caring nature.
Over this past year, millions of people have expressed their love for Michael Jackson; admirers of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the world. It has been like a rising fever of fans, growing supporters of his innocence, and curious onlookers of his magnetism. As I interrelate with others who also take interest in MJ, I am especially moved by the wonderful expressions of gratitude by people who speak of his wisdom. The love we have inside is enlivened by Michael’s love. Non-profit organizations, forums, groups, and websites have developed in light of his spirit with further dedication to healing the earth and humanity. This is really beautiful. Read more…