
Posts Tagged ‘trial’


September 21, 2010 14 comments

Katherine Jackson must be made of solid steel – or maybe gold! She is 80 years old and she wants justice!
Justice for her son Michael. Justice for Michael like so many of us wants.

“Sweet grandma’s” at that age shouldn’t be fighting in court, normally they would be at home baking and caring for the family, loving the grandchildren, or telling stories from old days.
And somehow I do not doubt for a second, that she also manages to do that, besides all the other things she does. Read more…

Changes starts with YOU!

July 24, 2010 14 comments

You talk the talk. Do you walk the walk?

As you probably have seen we have on this site two blogs that calls for unity and action.
And although it is pretty easy to get you to read these, it is harder getting you to take action.

MJ fans mantra – or one of them – is “Make a change!”. But are MJ fans full of empty words and sayings? Are there no real substance behind all the good intentions?

Is it easier to spam the medias with Elvis and MJ mails, than to seek justice for Michael?

I sure hope not.. please prove me wrong..
This is all for Michael, and it is not even empty words!

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Stressors that overshadow respect for MJ

July 10, 2010 20 comments

MJ Love
Do you value what Michael has so often said; “I love you”…
“I love you more.” ?
I wrote this in honor of his words; with great respect for a man of a genuinely caring nature.
Over this past year, millions of people have expressed their love for Michael Jackson; admirers of all ages and backgrounds, from all over the world. It has been like a rising fever of fans, growing supporters of his innocence, and curious onlookers of his magnetism. As I interrelate with others who also take interest in MJ, I am especially moved by the wonderful expressions of gratitude by people who speak of his wisdom. The love we have inside is enlivened by Michael’s love. Non-profit organizations, forums, groups, and websites have developed in light of his spirit with further dedication to healing the earth and humanity. This is really beautiful. Read more…

Finally some justice?

May 21, 2010 19 comments

This video has been sent to me a numerous times the last day.. And then I finally found time to listen to it. I think you should listen too.
It seems like Tom Sneddon [further presentation not necessary] falsified some evidence, during the Michael Jackson Trial. Now this is serious allegations, so if it is true, maybe some justice would finally be under way for Michael. What do you think?
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May 11, 2010 3 comments

He was the King of Pop who the media loved to hate.
Always a target for the colour of his skin, his sexuality and his lifestyle, Michael was a target who was humiliated almost his whole life by the media
In their efforts to make money and win ratings, the media missed the truth.
During the trials against him one person followed him very close and got excess into the courtroom.
She didn’t stopped investigating after Michael was cleared of all charges, her name is Aphrodite Jones.
She followed Michael during his trials and afterwords she had a feeling that she had to look deeper into this because it seemed like Tom Sneddon, the prosecutor, was on a mission to frame Michael, a personal vendetta
She took a look at the evidence and watched the video of Gavin Arvizo were the police investigators were putting words, a confession, into the boy’s mouth.
After following the trail and see all the evidence from up close she wrote a book about it.
When it was finished she tried to find a publisher but no one wanted to publish it because it was a book PRO Michael….
Can you believe it that, they told her that they only wanted to publish it when it was one AGAINST Michael.
Well she did get her book published and it’s called “Michael Jackson Conspiracy” Read more…