
Posts Tagged ‘forum’

History repeating itself at MJDHI

February 17, 2011 33 comments

Or not? These days a heated discussion goes on at several hoax forums and on Twitter, and probably many other places as well.

The reason for this discussion  is that Souza, the admin of MJDHI, has been offered a permanent spot on a magazine. A spot where she is supposed to tell about the hoax and the conspiracies regarding MJ. The owner of the magazine has been reading MJDHI, and is eager to get the hoaxers to use their findings and discussions in his magazine, which by the way is brand new and have no readers nor sponsors yet. So he needs something that really can make his magazine popular and known, he needs PR and he needs a reader base. Read more…

Hold on to your money

October 31, 2010 14 comments

What is wrong with people? By asking this I want to express something I read yesterday on 2 different hoax forums, and I have to say that I am shocked. Here at WAMJ we are writing blogs about supporting Michael and trying to clear his name, trying to reach people and get their help with various projects.

We spend many hours a day tweeting about supporting Michael, and how it only takes 2 minutes to sign the petition and still a lot of people are ignoring this, despite many of them are saying day in and day out, how they want to clear his name and get the justice he deserves.

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Why not leave him alone???

August 15, 2010 46 comments

Why the chase?? Why the search??? Why not leave him alone??

Isn’t it enough that Michael lived his life in the spotlight for 45 years? Why not give him the privacy he pleaded for..

Just think of it for a minute… If he had the privacy he asked for when he lived then things might have been different who knows. But instead the tabloids chased him and wrote about him in their filthy magazines where they loved, and still do by the way, to call him ugly names.. The name Wacko Jacko often appeared.. So I decided to take action and began to write different newspapers and tabloids and tell them to write his name because like all people here know Michael HATED the W.J name.. Read more…


July 31, 2010 49 comments

This blog contains manipulated content used only for illustration purposes! Please vote at the bottom of the blog!

Earlier I wrote a blog called Virtual rape, about the disrespectful videos and pictures out there of Michael. Videos and pictures that almost always has a sexual character. A lot of you felt offended by this blog, you would never do something like that.. Yet more and more seems to fall for this, and this time I will show you some of the pictures. I didn’t do that the last time, out of respect for Michael, but in this blog you will only find manipulated photos of Michael.

No real pictures.. consider yourself warned by now. Read more…

Wake up MJ fans!

June 8, 2010 23 comments

This blog might be a little personal, my video “Wake up MJ fans” was made because of some observations I made.
Basically there are 3 messages in the video:
1. Protect Michael from being used by others
2. Protect Michael from disrespectful videos
3. Reach out to each other.

Funny though, because I just read a message on Twitter where someone was asking why I was dividing the fans. Well, I am not, quite the opposite actually..;)

Protect Michael from being used by others

If you read my blog Unite in support, you might have seen the video with an interview with Pearl Jr.
She is the author of a book about the hoax. If you didn’t read my blog yet, I will recommend you to do so, because this is a kind of continuation of that blog. Read more…

Dead or Alive

June 7, 2010 40 comments

Just how important is it to find Michael Jackson???
Well for many people it’s very important and they do whatever they can to find him.. The hoaxers make video after video digging after everything that can relate  to his death or his faked death as they say..

A month ago I  read something very funny on a hoax forum.. They claimed that Jesus faked his death and that could be the reason Michael did the same, as they say he was/ is a very religious person and if Jesus did it then Michael did the same.. I find it very sad that they spend their life looking for something there aren’t there…

Somehow they went from Michael Jackson fans to someone who wants to find the truth and they don’t care if they find him dead or alive.. So with that in mind I decided to make a video about the subject and I attached a few comments I have found on different forums..

Do you even care II ?

May 30, 2010 11 comments

This is a continuation of  Do you even care? (featured in the bottom of this entry)

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The “magic” behind TIAI

May 13, 2010 17 comments

I was requested to explain how the redirections of TIAI is made.. I will try to explain this in a simple language, it is quite simple actually

First of all, I have never followed this TIAI theory nor do I believe in it. But I do know that the web address sends you to some other website, that changes all the time.

To redirect a domain ( the www address) you first of all need to own it. The domain of TIAI is registered through a proxy server, which makes any owner or contact details private. In other words it is not possible to find out who is behind

When you own a domain, you have bought it through a ISP; an Internet Service Provider. This ISP will host domains and web hotels, which is a fancy word for the server space, your homepage files needs on a web server. Read more…

Do you even care?

May 13, 2010 14 comments

Do you even care, MJDHI?

Yes, I know I have asked this question before, but I am asking it again due to the last days media hype. You know what I mean..

Have you thought about how disappointing it must be for Michael, to see those of you, who even declared that your mission is to support him, believing you did an awesome job by posting your most stupid hoax theories in the worst tabloid ever..?

How can you even think he even approves of that?

This brings me back to the video “Do you even care?” that I made some time ago. This video is provocative, I know that and it is meant to be that. If it is not, you are not listening..

In the video I am asking if you are trying to smoke him out? Well, are you? I have read several comments on MJDHI, to the Mo&Souza-stunt in The Sun, where you said; “this will probably bring him back faster”. And some of you, a lot of you actually, thinks that this is only the beginning. You need more media time..

Are you trying to smoke him out? Because it sure looks like it.. Read more…

The problem with open forums

May 12, 2010 3 comments

Not all hoax forums are wide open for the whole world, but some are and even some of the biggest are.
By having a completely open forum, you invite everybody to read what you have. This includes the people you are discussing, the media and not least random people who searches for something in Google or other search engines.
So you cannot say that all people come in and read by their own free will. But if you make your forum private, so it requires a login to read, then people read because they want to.

And this is the whole essence in this blog posting. Why do you need to display all your “funny stuff” for everybody? I have to be very direct in my wordings, so please forgive me:
Some of the things you write in your open forums are very disrespectful and hurtful for others to read. Other things make you look completely stupid. Is it really in your own interest to do that? Read more…


May 10, 2010 3 comments

So last night i was on a mission.. A mission to pay a hoax forum a visit trying to let them see what they are doing to a man, a legend and a loving father… So i read through a few threads there and stumbled over one and boy this thread was absolutly disrespectfull… The debate there was wheter or not Michaels beloved mother Katherine was a good parent to Michael and his siblings and if she could manage the skills of being a loving grandmother to her grandchildren..What i read in this thread shocked me and i couldn’t believe my eyes.. Read more…

Stop exploring Michaels kids on YouTube

When you browse on You Tube you find a lot of video’s with Michael’s children in it.
As you know Michael was a very private man and when it involves his children he tried to protect him from the media.
Trying to give them a life as normal as possible
Now that we have seen them without their veils and masks it looks like they are as free as a bird and a big target for the media and for a lot of normal people who believe they have the right to put them in video’s and show them to the world on You Tube.
Do you believe that Michael wants this? And what about the children…they are haunted by the media and you aren’t any better
Because as long as you buy this crap and putting their faces all over You Tube you are no better than the tabloids.
Please think about Prince, Paris & Blanket would you like to be haunted like that when you go shopping or whatever….do you??

Family Hunt

May 9, 2010 6 comments

The last nearly 11 months the hoax forums have been attacking Michael’s family and close ones… They have been looking for all kinds of clues, slip-ups and other things related to Michael’s death.

Whenever a family member is talking to the camera or doing different interviews they are being analyzed.. From the words coming out of their mouth to their body language.. The hoaxers seem to have favourites Jackson’s members.. The one they “love” the most is Jermaine Jackson.. Actually I have a perfect example of an analyze they did months ago.. Jermaine was on an Australian radio and at one point he says “ MICHAEL WS NOT WITH US WAY BEFORE HE ARRIVED AT THE AIRPORT…. I MEAN WAY BEFORE HE ARRIVED AT THE HOSPITAL”

So now the hoaxers believes this was a major slip-up and they analyzed everything regarding Jermaine down to the minimum.. Even his smile was analyzed… Here is what I think about this… Have you ever thought of that Jermaine could be very tired after spending hours in a plane?? Due the time difference he could have jet lag..

What if Jermaine thought of when his plane was leaving or when he should be in the airport again… Read more…

Hoax – a way of grieving?

May 9, 2010 4 comments

Through my videos on YouTube, I have gotten a lot of comments and messages from those investigating or studying the hoax – from now on called hoaxers – about, what it is that makes them go on and on..

Many of them tell me this is their way of grieving, mourning their big loss, finding meaning in everything.

When someone close to you dies, it is devastating and you grieve in a certain way that fits you. I feel tempted to say that the hoax-grief is some kind of mass hysteria, where people inflicts others with their mourning and grief, and this all escalate into something of huge dimensions.
None of them will get out on the other side of this grief, as long as thousands of others keeps it alive.

So how many hoaxers are there? Well the biggest hoax forums has around 3000+ members, and the same goes for some of the most well-known hoax video makers on YT. Then there are those who don’t make videos, don’t write in forums, but just read and watch in silence. Let’s round the numbers up to 5000 hoaxers. Read more…