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Greed over Justice?

Greed over Justice?
Does money once again triumph over justice? That’s what I’m wondering myself, reading the latest news from the Jackson’s! 25 long months have already passed since Michael’s untimely passing, and the only good news I’ve been reading about him, concerns the wonderful, strenuous campaign clearmjsname2 is promoting on Twitter, Facebook  and on their blog.

As most of you readers probably know, it’s about restoring dignity to the 2001 undervalued “Invincible” album and to put it back on the Top Charts. While I completely support this campaign, joining forces with this blog crew, I still wonder what’s wrong with the Jackson’s? What’s behind this dysfunctional family? What does make them announce a Tribute Concert for MJ (as you can see in the articles posted on CNN , TMZ  and BBC , right after the publication on TMZ site of a dignified (or rather diplomatic?) statement by Mrs. Jackson on the involvement of the Estate over MJ killing?

Bad move, Jackson’s! Once again you have failed!
This Concert is ill-timed, unclassy and indecent. Three strong adjectives, YES!

It’s ill-timed, because concomitant with a criminal trial starting on 20th Sept and, please, excuse me if I don’t attend your “superb” tribute, because I’m more interested in following the trial to get justice served, than seeing YOU celebrating your greed!

It’s unclassy, because although you’re trying to put up a show with big celebrities, there’s no class in an event where MJ’s children will be paraded as the survivors. In the press conference you say that part of the proceedings are going to a fund put up for the kids. The kids will have plenty of money as they come of age, if you stop lavishly spending your sibling’s money, stop luxuriously living at his expense. Michael had class, dignity and good sense, that’s why he decided to live without you all.

It’s indecent, because you have no respect for THOSE grieving: US!!
We worldwide fans are HIS real family! We are still fighting back tears for your son, brother, uncle…while you’re STILL spoiling his good name, dissipating his money, ruining his career as an artist!

In the middle of this crappy nonsense, the only sign of dignity and good sense comes from Randy, who – also speaking on behalf of Jermaine, has posted a statement on his Twitter and objects to the tribute!
I fully believe in Randy’s good intentions, but I’m somewhat skeptical about Jermaine’s ones…We don’t know anything about Janet’s position, or Reebie’s… Maybe they are taking distance from this parade of greed, or simply minding their own business and privately grieving.

I only hope they give up planning this tribute. In the words of Randy, “ there will be a time and a place for an amazing and deserving tribute to Michael”.

And you, READERS, what do you think about these events? Should we consider this epic fail by the Jackson’s another triumph of greed over justice?

  1. July 27, 2011 at 02:12

    I feel the same way you do…..J.U.S.T.I.C.E.4.M.J. should be first.I have been a fan of Michael Jackson.from the begging .I do cry many tears and many day I am very upset
    with what the haters and evil media still saying mean things and false facts about our
    King Michael Jackson.I do not want this concert ,cause Michael Jackson were not be
    there.when I want to see and hear Michael Jackson ,I watch MJ videos .The Jackson
    family are all about M.O.N.E.Y,that why MJ stay away from all of them.MJ stayed away from his mother ,cause anytime they wanted something …MJ could not say NO to his mother.

  2. Karma Alain
    July 27, 2011 at 05:22

    This is a very difficult time for everyone who loved and cared for Michael Jackson. This is a time of mourning and a time for justice. Handling these two at the same time can be quite complex. To have lost someone you loved takes months maybe years to get over. Sometimes almost never…what a difficult position to be in….He was truly one who cared about our civilization as a whole. He opened the eyes and hearts to many. He exposed those who were hurt and neglected. Michael Jackson shared his beautiful spirit with the World. His messages/actions/memories never forgotten. He was indeed a Legend.

  3. July 27, 2011 at 05:48

    greed ? So many people always accusing Michael’s family mmbers of greed. I’m so sick of it. And it’s usually Jermaine that people point fingers at, who is supposedly not in favor of this event.
    Maybe, just maybe Mrs. Jackson needs to do something to uplift Michael’s spirit,name & legacy. Just maybe she needs a distraction from that awful trial which is an awful echo for her, in many ways, of 6 years ago. Greed ? What greed ? It will cost a lot to put this on and who’s to profit ? The performers, to name a few. And I’d bet ya some will go to charity for Mrs. J always has Michael in mind. Sure, I’d love to hear from Janet & Rebbie & also hear what the kids think of it too. But obviously, we are only told what thet want us to hear, anyway, That is unless media added their own twist to the announcement.
    I welcome the distraction from the trial myself. The trial is not nearly as imortant to giving Michael a legacy of honor by clearing his name to the public at large, due to what media did to defame his image. anyway. This is what Michael spoke of caring about; his legacy. Do you think Michael would care as much about this trial more-so than the outcome of the one in 2005 ? I think not except for the coorelating issues between the 2 trials. Especially the repeat of prejudgement prior to trilal; a person considered guilty before trial. Now the issue of sensationalism has come to a blaring light, thank you to Nancy Grace, better known as Ms. Disgrace these days.
    This is a prime time to speak up to media !!! This is much more important to focus on that judging what Michael’s family does, which I don’t think he’d appreciate himself.
    I love you even though I can’t get wiith you on this one.
    And by the way, there are quite a few innocence advocates out here in addition to clearmjsname…MJTN, MJ Adavocates, MJ Action Coalition, MJJJP and more. I hopeyou are working along with us.

  4. July 27, 2011 at 10:02

    I read about the disagreements in the family over this, in a danish paper yesterday. To be honest, I didn’t read it all, I was thinking; oh no here we go again..

    This is not the first time they try to arrange an tribute to Michael and like before it seems to end up in hot air and internal family quarrels.
    I feel sorry for Michael and his legacy. His family is putting a bad ring to it, when peoples first thought are “Oh no not again”..

    Maybe they really want to give him a tribute, but it kind of ends up as the opposite.
    A tribute has to be delivered without any hesitations or arguments – without any reservations, if not it is not a real tribute, but a wish for something else. Like making money, making sure MJ fans and others keeps listening to his music so the business goes on.

    I personally don’t give a sh*t about a tribute concert where other celebreties is singing his songs. I want HIM to sing them and nobody else. The other thing is just a poor replacement.

    There are so many ways to pay tributes and keeping him in mind in a good way, and I am still waiting to see the family do this.

    I have not yet seen them do anything that was for Michael and for no other reason at all but paying tribute to HIM.

  5. July 27, 2011 at 13:07

    Netoska, it seems like I wrote this article myself. [except for the lexical ability, gift that i do not have]. I agree with you 100%.

  6. netoska
    July 27, 2011 at 14:53

    This post is meant as an invitation to share your thougths. I do respect everybody’s point of view and i greatly appreciate those comments differring from the average thinking. Time will tell up whose side truth is on.

  7. carmen_jessie
    July 27, 2011 at 22:57

    I don’t know if the concert is a real tribute or the family need a distraction from the trial,or the concert is meant to distract US from the trial.Durring the trial they’ll rake the dirt and it will come to light old things that better remain burried.They will point out Michael’s addiction on drugs and God knows what else.It will be hard for the family and I’m afraid M’s name will be defamed again.So,is that concert such a bad idea?Maybe,if you want to foccus on the trial,but if you welcome the distraction from it, the concert is good enough.Of course you may ignore both and go shopping.

  8. July 29, 2011 at 14:00

    you know what? When Michel died, I thought that MJ deserved a tribute concert. A huge, wonderful tribute like the one for Freddy Mercury.
    And I still think he deserves that. But a concert well organized, and the Jackson family …well… everytime they try to organize an event, it ends up in “drama”!!!

  9. netoska
    July 29, 2011 at 14:38

    Yes,Elena,i agree with you entirely. Michael deserves a tribute,like the one Freddy Mercury had. Problem is: will the Estate ever find an agreement (or a compromise!) with what they may be willing to plan and what MJ’s family desire?

  10. July 31, 2011 at 18:51

    This blog site is known for asking those questions that others shy away from. This blog in particular touches a subject that many will feel uncomfortable with.

    I don’t like talking about the Jackson family much, in the last 2 years I have felt sadness for their loss, incredulity with some behaviour, I have felt guilt for having an opinion at all. I have thought ignoring them would the best option.

    I have watched on twitter as some of the siblings said that they have some news only to wait to find out it was some book or CD that they were promoting. You have the random tweet about justice, but I have to say that if it was my blood cut down I would be doing some campaigning for justice and seeking a change in the law, I would be supporting the justice campaigns and speaking out when someone slanders my loved ones name. But do we see this? No.

    At times they have really seemed to feed the theories with their oops comments, smiley faces days after the 25 June, some laughing their heads off, or not knowing where they were, or with whom when the death was reported to them. Then you have the shameless plugs over their latest products, to the extent of going on Oprah – a person who said after the death that the truth will never be known {regarding the molestation accusations}, why go on Oprah if your primary task is not to educate her as to the truth? You then have the comments that Michael needed interventions; oh this one has changed over the months or years.

    So the following is my personal view:
    I have watched some notable families who have lost their children e.g. Stephen Lawrence, Ben Kinsella, Damilola Taylor. They each dealt with their loss with dignity. They dealt with the justice process and attended the court hearings. They did not choose to attend a concert when the court would be determining the innocence or guilt of the accused.

    This is about family duty and for me; this is part of taking your dead home, giving your loved ones a respectful burial, and seeking justice for them. Michael did not take his own life – it was taken from him.

    But in this case, during the opening days of the prosecution case, Katherine will be out of the jurisdiction with some of her adult children. There will of course be preparation including meetings, rehearsals, draft speeches etc all time consuming and needing focus. But I think that justice should be the primary focus not concert arrangements.

    It is my view that justice must come first – it is the last duty of the family to their dead!

    We are told that the plans for this concert are advanced we have seen books been produced in the interim, CD’s , television shows, TV/radio appearances, belts, perfumes, deals being done etc etc.

    So it seems to me that justice has not had a high a priority as I would have placed it. It hurts to say this.
    Now unfortunately the image of them up on the stage talking about a concert fit for a king, makes me feel sick. I think it is an insult to Michael.

    This is so far from Spike Lee’s yearly birthday tribute.

    • netoska
      July 31, 2011 at 19:56

      That’s how i feel, that’s how most of us feel, whenever it comes to the Jackson’s. A uncomfortable feeling pervades us, leaving us quite ill at ease. How many times i have tried to tweet my very thoughts about them, but all the times, i stopped, feeling guilty for having an opinion. I agree with you, we feel guilty, at times i also feel pity for them. How dysfunctional this family is, to switch, alas no, to define priority a concert and not justice. Justice is a duty, have we forgotten it? JUSTICE MUST COME FIRST…Whatever it takes, there’ll be a proper time for tributes, for singing and dancing…
      I’m sorry to say that i don’t support the Jacksons anymore, because in the last couple of years they have only showed us their greedy side…Or is this the only side they’re provided?
      Thank you for all the comments, here is Spike Lee’s tribute for Michael.

  11. July 31, 2011 at 20:07

    We don’t need a tribute we need justice for Michael – jacksons go away !!

  12. July 31, 2011 at 22:19

    Michael deserves a tribute BUT AFTER JUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE!
    I feel unconfortable talking about my feelings for the Jacksons,I have always felt that way, I’ve always thought every move they made is for greed and jealousy, they are a disfunctional family, and, I’m a bit worried for MJ children and the influence of the Jackson clan on them. Anyway the only two I trust a little bit are Randy and Janet.

  13. July 31, 2011 at 23:44

    Michael does deserve and AWESOME Tribute
    but i feel as most that now is a very innapropriate time. This trial is very serious and MJ himself is being put on trial again by the defense and tainted media. Jacksons and all MJ fans and people of consciousness need to focus and keep everyone in check. We need our voices heard over the madness. Its sad the Jacksons have not made this priotity and even some have made questioable statements concerning Michael and this case. I cant help but be angry

    I really wanted to be able to support the Jacksons for Michael’s sake. but they have made it near imppossible to do that with their constant antics. and I do feel a bit of guilt when I cant support or I speak out. I love Michael and dont want to be disrespectful. But when they disrespect him and his wishes. I have to speak out. not over silly nit picky things but over important issues that Jacksons seem to disrespect Michael, his fans and children with.

    Everything the Jackson’s try to organise seems very amaturish and turns into a comical disaster and is not in Michel Jacksons best interest. Sorry to those who disagree but Their schemes all seem self serving to me. I really wish they would stop trying to take control of MJs estate (somethign that will never happen) but work with Michael’s Estate and ask for thier assistance with a tribute. It would then be done with dignity and would benefit all concerned. The Jacksons and artists would be paid for performances. Charities MJ supported would benefit and Estate/Children would benefit. Fans would benefit. It would be done on a Grand scale and there would be no copyright issues Family feuds or the Drama we have now.

    I fear everytime they want to make an announcement or appear on TV wondering how they are going to embarass Michael, his fans and themselves again. Truley I sometimes feel embarrased they they are his family and yes i feel guilty for having those feeling but they cause it. .. Im dreading what Latoya will have to say this evening. She doesnt have an off switch and speaks without for-thought. plus being uncensored I smell another damaging disaster coming from that.

  14. samantha
    August 9, 2011 at 14:33

    I agree Michael does deserve a wonderful Tribute but not like this, it is so inappropriate, I just can’t believe what goes through the heads of some of the members of the Jackson Family, obviously MONEY sorry!!!! just makes me so angry. Michael deserves so much more

    Love and Sunshine

  15. August 16, 2011 at 22:28

    epic fail…. MJs family should be concentrating on the trial not a tribute at this time. Michael does deserve a wonderful Tribute but not like this

  16. Marivi
    August 25, 2011 at 15:06

    I totaly agree with what you’re saying! It’s not the right time to make a tribute while there is a coming trial about his murder, cause for me it’s a murder.
    The family always saw Michael as a goldmine and they still do! Maybe now more than ever before. The bad thing is that they take advantage of his children to make more money and they use them for their own pockets!
    And YES, WE ARE HIS REAL FAMILY, apart from his children of course! We were there there when he needed us, and we still are here for him and will always be !

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