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Making up for a missing bam?

Word is that a video with recent pictures of Michael has surfaced, and was shown to some video hoax makers by a so-called “trusted source”. Trusted by whom you might ask..

One of the video makers chose to tell about this video, and although none of them can provide any evidence of this video, or has the actual video in possession, it has become a great subject of discussion. I refuse to believe that these hardcore hoax investigators, don’t even have a screenshot to prove that this video is genuine.

The one that chose to tell about it, says that even if she had the video, she would not show it, because the most important thing to her, is Michael’s safety. Really? If that was the case, maybe saying nothing at all, would be more appropriate.

Furthermore she describes the one minute video in details; what he was wearing, what he was doing and in what surroundings he was in.  How she thinks he looked sad.
She tells us that he has not talked to his kids since June 25th last year – I guess that debunks a lot of your previous theories and videos, where Michael is seen together with his kids and disguised as this or that? The memorial, a Halloween/horror night get together with Liz Taylor or the Grammy show just to mention a few places, where he supposedly went with his children.

I know you believe in some real serious stuff about someone being after Michael, then how can you tell that you saw this, describe it in details and then say; I can’t prove it due to his safety? I don’t think safety is something that concerns you that much.

But the “good news” don’t end here, because the same video hoax maker tells us Michael visits her hoax chat. Wonder if they are becoming real pals here..;) Or we also have the nephew of one of the bodyguards, calling in on a chat show to talk about Michael and his business.
Another forum can present a new member; none other than Elvis Presley’s half-sister! And we are talking about a forum, that firmly believes in a connection between The King of Rock and The King of Pop, and tries to make it known world-wide. So that was really a scoop..

Every day or week Michael materializes himself on Twitter and everybody is still so sure that this is something he would do. Talk on Twitter, like nothing ever happened.

What is happening to you? Is all this because nothing happened on June 25th? Are you making up for the missing “bam” (who invented that word?) or are your forums or YT channels at a stand still, and you need to stir the waters a little?

Don’t go out there and tell you saw him, talked to him without proving it. You can’t reveal anything more by showing it – and hey – who knows, if Michael is watching, he might even himself appreciate to find out who in his inner circle, is the rat.

  1. the arabian nights
    July 12, 2010 at 23:31

    zilda lol that was great

  2. maura
    July 13, 2010 at 02:13

    zilda you have always been really jealous and its sad.what are you afraid me seeing this video wont work for your stories that you have daily contact with michael? now that i know whats really going on with him from THE ONLY RELIABLE SOURCE im disgusted by the things that you make up.
    nobody has seen proof? how do you know that? because they arent telling everybody? you have no idea what you are talking about, but thats ok, get all the attention you need because you always loved it 🙂

    all i want is for michael to safely return home to the children so i’ll leave you with your bashing 🙂 farewll

  3. maura
    July 13, 2010 at 02:19

    and ps, i never ONCE said that michael was coming into my chatroom. lol that is so ridiculous. I admit that i did a stupid thing trying to comfort people about what i saw, but thats where it stops. There is MUCH more proof that I have but of course i would not subject michael to that.IF I HAD A VIDEO there is no way in fuck i would show it. I was SHOWN the video zilda SHOWN. Describing how he looked or what he is wearing has nothing at all to do with showing actual footage dont be an idiot.
    Just stop this.I would never make something like this up. YOU know that.


  4. jolie
    July 13, 2010 at 05:21

    The latest hoax-news got me amazed… I do not know whether to laugh or throw up 😦

    • the arabian nights
      July 13, 2010 at 10:23

      the vid was a build up of expectation without any content, i think after viewing it and it was accident that i did, i thought what a waste of time. like so much of the hoax stuff is right now. rubbish.

  5. OfftheWall
    July 13, 2010 at 06:40

    Excellent post!!! I totally agree. When hoax news is slow, this kind of stuff happens. I am so sick of hearing about MJ’s safety. If his safety is truly in danger, we shouldn’t be investigating the hoax at all and giving potential predators clues.

  6. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 09:59

    my my there you go hate on the site and not from us

  7. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 10:18

    stop laughing maura and stop hunting, why are you doing this is it a game, is it so funny to you. why is it your business? why dont you just leave him alone. why do you want to smoke him out and why do you think it is funny.

    you must have wanted some kind of credit or else you would not have posted your vid. if you truly know something so important, then why post it, you dont owe your viewers anything. what is your agenda? is this your career?

    please stop swearing not very attractive for a young lady. being kind hearted is a much nicer starting point, why so rude?

  8. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 13:20

    sorry zilda if this inappropriate then please delete:
    “by DangerouslyBad » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:50 pm
    Maura AKA MJFanForeverandaDay is
    a total nutbag. Sorry but she is. Believing in the hoax is one thing, but her videos are filled with insane theories that just make her look deluded. She sees a sign and symbol in EVERYTHING! So far, her list of people who are involved in the hoax is up to about 200! She thought MJ was disguised as Dave Dave, a fat man in a hat AND a blonde woman, who were all at the memorial! The woman is clearly in need of help.”

  9. msdanish
    July 13, 2010 at 15:28

    It’s like a game for them… Sad to see how they use his life to get more followers/friends/users to their forum…

    Hmm that makes me wonder if he infact means anything to them????

    Love the blog as always Zil

  10. netoska
    July 13, 2010 at 16:11

    I support Zilda and her incredible stuff.They don’t owe me nothing,as well as i don’t owe them nothing but respect for telling things/facts/stories as they really are.I don’t think they are here for followers,or because they suffer from jealousy or envy.On the contrary,they share their true love for MJ with anybody else on this blog and,furthermore,always invite us to take an active part on it.Regarding this particular blog,i have to say that…you,Zilda,have ears and eyes everywhere!!You don’t miss a thing!You stay there and work in silence.Go on with your wonderful job.

  11. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 17:51

    if michael has been forced into this situation of hiding and hoaxing (and he could be dead), then what benefit is it to him for you to post your vid. you say “all i want is for michael to safely return home to the children”, however like the rest of us we dont know the situation, the reason, the cause, the complications.

    your views and your wants like ours are irrelevant to him, he has the burden on him. if he is alive and well and wants to do something to change the position he will.

    why cant you leave it alone.

    why do you trust the very people who seem to be disloyal to him.

    like the rest of us you dont know. isnt it better to preserve the status quo and let mike make is own decisions just like he has done in his adult life. he does not need us interfering.

    if he is alive let him make his own decisions for himself. he is an adult.

  12. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 17:59

    and if you got the word that he was with his kids would you stop then? i doubt it, your hooked like so many of us, with the hunt the trill, the commentary, the arguments on the forums, checking in to see what has been said, checking who has posted your YT vid and where.

    checking on the other vids posted – isnt it an occupation.

    have you really sat down and thought if your agenda is to get him to the kids, and he takes your advice and you get word, then is your job done, or is there more, are you seeking a private meeting with him to personally thank you for your investigation, are you hoping that he has read your remarks, listened to your comments on video. and if you got that 30 minutes of thank you and he then sent you on your way, what then, a book about your experiences, or what. because you have to share,

    isnt it time that you used your skills for something else for the benefit of mankind, sick children, something that does not make you angry and rude.

    something in which you dont have to use a username for that you can take credit and feel proud of.

  13. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 18:11

    also how is hoaxing, doing vid’s about evidence, doing radio chat shows trying to get him with his kids, your just highlighting him, giving the hoax a profile as low as it is, how is that helping him to do anything except hide even harder, or making it more harder for him to see his children.

    because you look at and stalk everyone and everything, maybe you highlight the very thing he doesn’t want others to notice, you make his burden heavier not lighter, talking about where he could be, so he moves his hideouts, the trips his children make.

    may be he says oh no not another vid from that girl? possible – you dont know.

    what has it got to do with you what decisions he makes and his child care arrangements. surely you know he will never call you and voice his views or thank you or otherwise, his children have nothing to do with you and are not your concern.

    so now you dont have the burden of mikes decisions or his children’s welfare you can leave it alone, and leave mj alone. he was making decisions about his life before you were born, you have to leave the man to it.

  14. carmen_jessie21
    July 13, 2010 at 18:29

    I don’t know who this Maura is and I don’t care,but why does she explain herself?Excuses always proceed from a guilty conscience.I’m sure she is not connected with MJ or with someone closed to him.She needs attention and she makes fanciful affirmations.Some forums are not for deffending MJ,for pay respect for him or something like that,some forums are for gossip,rivalry,lies and disrespect and they are full of contradictions.In my opinion,if MJ is still alive,he needed a fantastic plan for realise something like that.And now what is he doing:he let the cat out of the bag?I don’t think so.Like “arabian nights” says:this person is clearly in need of help.
    I think is better leaving her alone,because if you give her an answer you give her the importance she cry for and she doesn’t deserve it.

    • the arabian nights
      July 13, 2010 at 18:39

      your right i am done

  15. carmen_jessie21
    July 13, 2010 at 19:08

    Good for you honey.Let her to lose the thread of her owens lies.I can imagine her seatting in a dark room and eating her nails.

  16. cawobeth3
    July 13, 2010 at 20:55

    The notorious, Ms. M…oh yuck.
    I love when you say “really ?” Nothing new that she talks out of boths sides of her mouth; the self-serving _ _ _ _ _ that she is.
    The nephew has been proven to be a fake, as per KarenJoyMac’s most recent vid (#32, I think)

    I visited a tinychat yesterday which I learned of by way of an invite.
    This stupid, bogus video was questioned over & over. Good grief !
    Actually, what bothered me most about the chat was there were quite a few ppl there expressing anxiousness for Michael’s return, It really hurts to hear this selfish crap. And the pressure on the chat host was so unfeeling.

    Curious, though of course doubtful due to the source, I listened to the video.
    This isn’t a joke !!!
    What the _ _ _ _ is the matter with some people.

    I knew this wasn’t Michael’s voice for sure, w/in a minute.

    How much more disrespectful can ppl get ?
    I hope not much more.

    • karenjoymc
      August 27, 2010 at 22:55

      I do love you ….you know that right? I’m your biggest fan! And I luv your fight to clear Michaels name! Keep On Keeping On!
      And yes we (kitty10100) found some info about the “supposed nephew” and made a vid from the info we found. I AM NOT saying Maura or Carlotta were bieng dishonest, but the “nephew” was misleading.

  17. cawobeth3
    July 13, 2010 at 21:31

    Carmen, you got her # even though you don’t know her.
    That’s only part of it though.
    Why does M even bother to visit here ? We don’t visit her. We don’t want any trouble. She creates her own trouble for herself.
    She’s been so not nice to so many ppl.
    Life is too short for this crap.

    And such a kind man as Michael deserves love AND respect in return.
    Was he ever disrespectful to anyone ? Did he follow ppl ?
    I just came away from reading an e-mail from a close friend who is distraught over all the arguing amongst fans and disrespect for Michael.
    The only way ppl can come together is on common ground of love.
    Love with respect that is. Why can’t ppl just spend their energy & time on giving MJ the respect he lacked ?
    The best way to do this is to welcome him back if ppl really want him to come back.
    And the ideal way to do this is to work to clear his name !
    If everyone did a little each day to stand for his innocence, it wouldn’t take near as long to clear his name. We are standing up to huge corporations and trying to reach almost 1/2 of the American public.
    We need ppl to continually speak up about this; not try to find him !!
    God ! It really makes me sick that ppl are actually trying to locate him & figure him out & want him to contact them, let alone pretend he does ?
    Do they forget “Murray’s” words ?

    Apparently Michael felt that he had to continually change his phone # for most of his life. Must ppl act like they still want him to live this way ?
    I have a friend who’s son was good friends with MJ, from the show “The Wiz”. He tried to call Michael (yrs ago) but wasn’t ever able to reach him again. This is so sad to me. Friends can’t freely stay in contact because others are greedy & imposing & threatening ?
    I’m sorry that I went on with myself but did these few jerks ever consider that by attempting to disregard Michael’s pleas for privacy, that they are pushing him away ?
    I just hope Michael can truly see that the love out here far out-weighs the disrespect for him and does not allow it to bother him.
    Meanwhile, I sure hope the ppl, who are now taking the possibility that MJ faked his death to heart, are seeing through & past the disrespectful approaches to the “hoax”. I hate that word.

  18. cawobeth3
    July 13, 2010 at 21:34

    I got upset, sorry.
    I’m grateful that there are some ppl that I can correspond with that understand.
    Zilda, I ♥ your choice of pics for this post.
    I so wish certain ppl would afford thamselves some quiet time with contemplation of empathy for Michael.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

    • the arabian nights
      July 13, 2010 at 22:32

      ladies, what wonderful posts.

      i wonder why this mj hoaxer is doing this and who has put him up to this, it is truly sad. it will cause another rush. i understand that someone is banning and being rude on their own site not this one. i cant see the joy it brings them.

      i cant see (if alive) the real mj wasting his time with that.

      you are right much better things to focus on, and charitable works and just being kind, and just being a little nicer to people especially loved ones and people in need. this world is about community, all of us and everything, not about – the me , myself and i – so tired of people like that. thank you guys so much. you have wonderful kind hearts.

  19. carmen_jessie21
    July 13, 2010 at 22:35

    Like I said,I don’t know ms.M but is not difficult to understand what kind a person she is.But I really ignore people like this,life is too short and I don’t intend to wraste my time with.The ones who love and respect MJ,and who respect each other deserve much attention.If there is people I can’t trust and I can’t respect I just ignore them.That’s why I like Zilda and the others on this forum and their wonderful work.Keep going girls,love you!

  20. livinofthewall
    July 13, 2010 at 23:00

    Great blog, as usual :), Zilda! Everytime we come back to the same conclusion.. Deffinetly NO respect what so ever for Michael or his loved ones. People thinking of themselfs, want to smoke him out for their own gain. If things are slow then someone comes up with rubbish like this….it makes me laugh and wonder at the same time. Why isn’t any of these forumvisitors spending their time to heal our planet because THAT is/was his real message, THAT is/was what he is/was worried about. Did he really go to so much trouble and then go out in the open to show the world he is still among us? In my right mind I don’t think so ….
    Ow and I like to see all of you here!!! TNX!

  21. the arabian nights
    July 13, 2010 at 23:12

    its funny you have to laugh.

    with all the talk of doubles, mike could walk down the road and his hoaxfans would think he is an impersonator

    mike could speak and they would say you dont sound like the real mj on the chatroom site

    its strange that so many innocent people believe in this faker on the chatroom site.

    you know the lyrics in anything for money – change “money” for “celebrity”

    how can people be so easily fooled, do people really care about mike the man, or is it the “King of Pop”. the trappings, the life style the fun bits, would they really bother about the man if he was not famous, was just an ordinary joe, but a truly sensitive one, i doubt it

    i think it is alot to do with celebrity

    in saying this i do not want to diminish mikes achievements – but i think we are not talking about mike – but the love of celebrity and how people can be mislead, and manipulated, that the moderators and admins dont care – its all about ratings, or subscriptions. a shallow world they live in.

    i dont think mike is shallow at all.

    Lie for it
    Spy for it
    Kill for it
    Die for it
    So you call it trust
    But I say it’s just
    In the devil’s game
    Of greed and lust
    They don’t care
    They’d do me for the Celebrity
    They don’t care
    They use me for the Celebrity
    So you go to church
    Read the Holy word
    In the scheme of life
    It’s all absurd
    They don’t care
    They’d kill for the Celebrity
    Do or dare
    The thrill for the Celebrity
    You’re saluting the flag
    Your country trusts you
    Now you’re wearing a badge
    You’re called the “Just Few”
    And you’re fighting the wars
    A soldier must do
    I’ll never betray or deceive you my friend but…
    If you show me the Celebrity
    Then I will take it
    If you tell me to cry
    Then I will fake it
    If you give me a hand
    Then I will shake it
    You’ll do anything for Celebrity …
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Where do your loyalties lie?
    Is that your alibi?
    I don’t think so
    You don’t care
    You’d do her for the Celebrity
    Say it’s fair
    You sue her for the Celebrity
    Want your pot of gold
    Need the Midas touch
    Bet you sell your soul
    Cuz your God is such
    You don’t careYou kill for the Celebrity
    Do or dareThe thrill for the Celebrity
    Are you infected with the same disease
    Of lust, gluttoney and greed?
    Then watch the ones
    With the biggest smiles
    The idle jabbers…Cuz they’re the backstabbers
    If you know it’s a lie
    Then you will swear it
    If you give it with guilt
    Then you will bear it
    If it’s taking a chance
    Then you will dare it
    You’ll do anything for Celebrity …
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    You say you wouldn’t do it
    For all the money in the world
    I don’t think soIf you show me the man
    Then I will sell him
    If you ask me to lie
    Then I will tell him
    If you’re dealing with God
    Then you will hell him
    You’ll do anything for Celebrity
    Anything for Celebrity
    Would lie for you
    Would die for you
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil
    Even sell my soul to the devil

  22. the arabian nights
    July 14, 2010 at 00:26

    well i had a look at the tinychatroom, and the MJDHI has emptied – yes the hoaxers have moved on, they have gone to their source of info.

    they are talking about smoking – hell – stand back i think they will eat each other.

  23. ThisIsIt
    July 14, 2010 at 00:41

    i am fed up with Maura and the hoaxers claiming to love Michael when they have all freely admited that they are trying to hunt him and track him down…They call themselves fans then why dont they know the lyrics to Leave Me Alone and Privacy ? what about Dirty Diana ? do they think they are complimenting themselves in his eyes by acting like Dirty Diana ? MY GOD ! Leave him alone !

  24. ThisIsIt
    July 14, 2010 at 00:58

    OH and one more thing Miss Maura . Isnt she a video maker? well if she SAW a video of MJ and was able to view it then why didnt she know how to save it to her computer? She talks all big but never has a damn thing to back it up with. Noone is jealous of her we just think that if you are going to talk the talk you better walk the walk. If she is so trusted by these MJ people and they give her info then why is she even brining it up? If MJ trusts her then why is she talking about it ? I know for a fact that he would never trust her. She makes herself look more and more insane everyday. Not credible at all.

  25. Anonymous
    July 14, 2010 at 05:34

    Hmmm….and people wonder why I am embarrassed to have ever called myself a hoax believer? When will this insanity stop?

    I think Doggy said it best: “Right now the lunatics are taking over the asylum. And as long as the people in the hoax are willing to waste their time giving the crazies the attention the line of crazies waiting in the wings will just keep increasing; getting longer and longer.”

  26. Guest
    July 14, 2010 at 10:19

    It seems like you mostly have a problem with this Maura person for her lack of evidence, but why drag the Elvis theory into this almost as if to insinuate that it’s equally ridiculous? They (the proponents of the Elvis theory) actually provide solid validation, unlike this “tiny chat” fiasco. So, it’s pretty clear – at least it comes off this way – that you haven’t read any of the information on the Elvis-Mike connection aside from hear-say.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but “Eliza’s” post is not the center of the theory, you’re sadly mistaken; her post or her lack of a post would not have changed the evidence already gathered.

    If you want to rant against a certain person, that’s your perogative but that gives you no excuse to make ill-informed accusations against things you know nothing about.

  27. the arabian nights
    July 14, 2010 at 11:17

    i dont think it is an evidence issue i think it is – what is the point – if the man has taken the decision to disappear its his own business, if he is dead – which the whole world (billions of people)believes save about 10,000 hoax believes across the world probably, then the hunt, the digging up is pretty disrespectful and he should be allowed to rest in peace. which ever way – privacy and respect should be what is sought

    not the – look see, the tell all, the pay for the report that is going to tell you what you want to hear, not the belief in the bogus, and the indoctrination of the innocent by those who say they are in the know, and what do they know what they have displayed all over the board because they want credit or a thank you from the believers or mike. well doubt mike is going to say thank you.

    if he is alive fit and able and has made the decision to disappear and your a fan – what business of ours is it, if he is hiding out because of some serious issue then oops should we go there, and if he is dead – then cant he finally be left hasnt 45 years out 50 being enough. and what about his kids, dont they just deserve people backing off.

    if you have kids and people are showing to much interest what would think, i would think about doing something – leave them be. when diana died, the kids were left alone, but they are royal, mj kids are private individuals, they should be left alone, what ever happened on 25th June – it was major

    but what good will all this hoaxing, hunting, invention, these fakers on the internet pretending to be mike do. surely the kids will eventually think that some of the fans are a little emotionally unstable and may well distance themselves, because i think sometimes they are pretty scary, not interacting with them as they get older, for their own welbeing.

    if we act silly then the consequences are our own faults.

    if mike is alive and made the decision to pack up and ship out because – just say the aeg contract – then he will have a law suit when he comes back and FBI investigating him and all those around him. for those reasons if he is alive he cant come back – not as he was. do you want him to he hounded from pillar to post hiding from that nosy hoax fan believer, having no peace?

    he thought sometimes he had no peace, do you think he has peace now or the burden of being found and the conseqences on him or his family (if alive)

    why do you need the truth so much – about this one issue – if you found it – what help would that be to him, it would be helpful to you – would you stop. i have seen people on the chat saying they want him out, they are going to get him out, why – they seem so upset. its the hunt that makes you upset and the individuals that you meet whilst hoaxing that makes you upset, but mike is getting it.

    i saw a report today that their is one doctor for 10,000 people in haiti, that must of the bodies have not been buried, that people are living 10 to a tent, life continues. there are other things that need us.

    mike if visible would have been out there giving away money again to help.

    shouldnt we let him be, and help the kids that need us?

    • Guest
      July 14, 2010 at 11:49

      That’s assuming he never intended to come back. That’s the real problem: the fans disagree with what Michael wants.

  28. the arabian nights
    July 14, 2010 at 12:44

    so why not leave it to the man to decide and know what he wants

    like us all, we make our own decisions we are not part of his inner circle he did not poll our opinions when he made the decision or his life decision – he is certainly not going to do so now.

    its mike’s decision, we have a problem because we get all caught up in someone’s elses business.

    • Guest
      July 14, 2010 at 13:27

      That’s exactly my point.

      The fans can never know 100% what Michael’s intentions really are; so they rely on information they’ve been given by the media, the movie, the jackson family members, the actions of the estate, etc… to determine what Michael’s intention is.

      What you fail to realize is that some hoaxers believe that Michael is communicating with them through one or various people telling them what he wants revealed about the hoax. For example, TS with the redirects, the Jackson family’s cryptic tweets (they don’t need to tweet to have a conversation with each other; cell phones do exist), etc…

      Again, we as outsiders can’t say this is not what Michael wants. But if it (telling the world what’s been revealed about the hoax so far) is what Michael wants, then some fans are willing to do it.

      So, the fans aren’t doing the revealing – Michael is. The hoaxers are just saying “Pay attention”.

  29. the arabian nights
    July 14, 2010 at 14:37

    on day one – no one was saying that it was michaels intention to leave what some think are messages, this has only come about subsequently. it is validation, an excuse for the hoax hunt or what ever. it is questionable that he is talking or sending messages in the manner many are holding on to. many have clutched at straws – intrepreted anything that they did not feel acceptable as a clue or anything they thought strange as a theory and sometimes moulded fiction into fact. like the fact that michael was at the funeral inside in the coffin, as hat man, as dd as blonde lady and i am sure there are more, you cant be in 4 places at the same time this is not the plaze suite. tom thought that michael had morphed into Dr Murray and there have been so many other things. yes people believe in strange things but that does not make it factual.

    people thought mike slept in a chamber – does not make it factual.

    you mention information given by the media – well mj was no fan of the media, the movie – well aeg/KO edited the movie. they had to make their money back on all the front end costs and they made a little pack on it – selling to sony. they also i would say had an interest in presenting mj in a certain way – so it was manufactured, aeg did the funeral and the memorial they had a direct interest in how things were done, the jackson family – well they have a number of interests, often competing interests – the family are a publicity machine as well, and will do what is in their individual and collective interests, remember all the stuff about there was no intervention now they admit it, but there are so many stories, the estate – what actions, they are dealing with probate, dealing with the claims, sorting out business deals to ensure money flow later, paid off debt, secured ma jacksons house, paid allowance and bills. They are protective of the mj image and copyright and prohibit alot of these tributes because they have not been approached and it has not been agreed.

    where is there an intention save for the fact that he left a will and made provision.

    maybe you fail to realise that i do realise!

    sometimes it is wishful thinking – i wishfully think too – i dont want him dead, but i cant change that if he is. if he is alive he did not consult me about his contracts with allgood and aeg i would have had something to say – but he didnt, so if he has made a decision to hide, you cannot assume that what you are fed by the mod’s/ others are true, the media are not saying he is alive, his family say he is dead, his mother mentioned the d word a month after in an interview. the estate say he is dead, lmp says he is dead, who is saying he is alive? just the hoaxers 10,000 if that as many are the same people in the forums etc

    but that does not matter – no one can assume that they know mind of another – that makes them a fool.

    if the man is dead then what are you going to say about the reveal.

    when the dd thing hit the fan there were some diehards who said for sure – etc mj was dd, but now they have changed their minds so – people can be confused especially by people who want to confuse them. YT vids are very compelling, and i must admit when you close your eyes dd had his voice down pat, but that was never tested – no expert came forward and checked the voice patterns. so the combination of dd playing games and the vid makers made us all do a double take -but it was wrong.

    it does not make sense for you to say that mike is doing the revealing and that the hoaxers are just paying attention, your probably blaming a dead person for your own willingness to be lead. on day one he did not do the revealing, he is not doing the revealing.

    people are not helpless here they can make a decision for themselves – and why do they need to convince other people or be thankful when the tabloids or pearl jr get involved – why – if they have this secret knowledge that he is alive – that they have listened and paid attention – they know he is alive why isnt that enough why doesnt it stop there?

  30. Mitzi
    July 14, 2010 at 15:42

    @Arabian Nights,
    In a simple statement I think it is all about “the thrill of the hunt”. Someone, somewhere, at sometime said something and that’s when it all started. I’m sure if technology was what it is now in the 70’s when Elvis died, it would have been the same thing. I think there was alot of strange happenings back in the summer of 09, but yes, you are right ALOT of “clues” were invented and blown out of proportion.

    Like,stated before, alot of these hoax hunters are young and must have alot of imagination. Remember the old telephone game that we played as kids? where one person says something and whispers to someone and it continues like that until the last person says outloud and most of the time what ends up is not even what the original statement was. Sound familiar??

    What makes me laugh, is that some of these people think that Michael actually is on the internet following all of this.

    If he is in fact alive, do you think he really cares what people are saying?? and investigating?? and creating??

    If he is alive, then he has successfully pulled this off. There is NO concrete evidence in any of the theories.

    I found it quite interesting myself, until I started to see some stupid “facts”. That is when I realized that if Michael did hoax his death, he would not leave behind clues for fans to find. How absolutely insane would he be to do that.
    Yes, the world thinks he is dead. And that is the way Mike wants it.

    He is NEVER going to show back up one day “explaining” why and how he did this.Why fake your death and then admit the whole scheme and involve everyone that has been considered also to be involved.

    Wouldn’t that just open up the whole “wacko Jacko” thing again. MJ HATED that and he is a very intelligent person, he knows what would be said about him and all of this complexing situation.

    And yes, if someone really did have evidence that he is alive, they certainly would not be letting the cyberworld know all about it. If someone really did have evidence that Mike is alive, then that person would be part of his inner circle, like it has been called, and would not be putting Mike out there for the rest of the C.W. to devour.

    If Mike is alive, I highly doubt that he has involved people he doesn’t know personally.

    The only fire about this whole death is here on the hoax forums and even they have calmed down, because well, I guess there are no more clues. ROFL.

    Oh and that stupid BAM thing. Watch TII again, and reassess what he was saying. It certainly wasn’t about him coming back from the dead. How ridiculous was that theory. I am pretty sure he was talking about his concert appearance, not his Lazarus appearance. haha.

  31. Samantha (MJsTinkerbell)
    July 14, 2010 at 17:26

    AMEN! You said this very well. I absolutely agree with what you said Zilda.

  32. fidessah
    July 14, 2010 at 17:35

    @ Arabian nights good to see you here :)) Hope you are ok…sorry for being so off topic here *blushes*

    • the arabian nights
      July 14, 2010 at 18:32

      hi, welcome this site is really nice, believers and nonbelievers and in between all welcome.

    • the arabian nights
      July 14, 2010 at 18:34

      how did you find the site? x

      • fidessah
        July 14, 2010 at 20:31

        i saw a link on twitter 🙂 many times i was going to email you,every time i decided not too :S and now i see you here. TY for the welcome

  33. Guest
    July 14, 2010 at 18:15

    When I say “hoaxers” I don’t mean the random people making YouTube videos. I mean the people at (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com) where everything is discussed and dissected at length. From murder to hoax, everything is discussed. Nobody there is “hunting” anyone or rather I’m certainly not hunting anyone (I can only speak on my behalf).

    Why do -I- want to get to the truth so bad? Simple: If the man is dead, I want to do all that is in my power to serve justice against those that did him wrong (of course I’m not waiting for that verdict; I very much support the justice4mj groups, I’ve written letters to the medical boards, and I participate in all their twitterthons already). But on the flip-side, If the man is alive, then I don’t want to waste my time on the justice4mj events AND if he needs our participation then I’m ready to go.

    @Mitzi: “And that is the way Mike wants it.” ???

    That’s exactly the kind of attitude on both sides of the issue that’s getting people into trouble. Only Michael knows what he wants! Did you ever consider that on the off chance that he DID hoax his death, and that he is using his family to hint as much, that you’re completely ignoring him for no other reason than the image of Michael you’ve formulated in your mind? “Oh Michael would never do this, no way he’d ever do that!”, “oh no, Michael is not capable of that”. This much is true: no one but Michael himself knows 100% the reasons behind any thing he undertakes. If he did hoax his death, all we can do is observe what’s going on. Tak notice of anything – as some would like to believe – that “he” may have revealed. All the issues you’ve brought up for him not hoaxing his death has already been heavily discussed. If you want to me reproduce all the information that’s already been debated at length, then that’s just laziness on your part and I question whether you care about Michael at all. If you really want answers to everything you pose, you’d seek the information. All of this information is summarized really well by the forum in several languages (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/). TS’s updates are also worth reading. TS – who he/she/they really are – doesn’t matter, but the information TS has posted makes logical sense. People need to keep up with the inconsistencies, the information that’s been debunked and the information that remains to be debunked if they’re going to get to the truth of the matter.

    “If Mike is alive, I highly doubt that he has involved people he doesn’t know personally.”

    Correct. Who’s claiming otherwise? He only needs one close friend in the media (such as Harvey Levin) to keep the whole mainstream media’s attention. Is it not suspicious that it took the MSM so long to voice any possible murder plot involving his catalog or a hoax even? They don’t care about investigation. They don’t care about unearthing the truth. Their primary concern is reputation and viewership.

    • Guest
      July 14, 2010 at 18:39

      Correction: the hoax recap is in several different languages; the forum is mostly in English. TS’s posts are in the actual forum (find all of TS’s post here: http://bit.ly/cOMTnw).

    • the arabian nights
      July 14, 2010 at 19:26

      but this is not a hoax forum, see the “about us” page. the owners of the site are not hoaxing or investigating so there is no need to look into what your suggesting?

      • Guest
        July 14, 2010 at 21:23

        I came here on a link I was sent via twitter talking about Dave Dave and started clicking around. If this blog mentions anything hoax-related, chances are people who are investigating the hoax will crop up. I don’t mean any disrespect to you or anyone on here.

        I can’t help but my voice opinions; I’m very opinionated. I will especially voice my opinion when hoaxers are painted in a false light. Not all of them are “crazy” fans whose brains are made of mush. Many of them consider all the information. If this ends at manslaughter, I want Murray behind bars. If Michael was neglected all for a ploy to get his Sony Catalog, I want everyone to know, I want those parties responsible to face jail-time, I want their actions exposed. If this is a hoax and Michael is seeking our participation, then I’m willing to help him. (The last two are not mutually exclusive, btw. There are theories suggesting he did the hoax because of an incentive to murder him for his Catalog). Which, to further answer Mitzi’s question, is why I want to get to the truth so badly and why others do too. I for one don’t want to beLIEve, but I have no choice but to consider a possible hoax because there’s nothing to completely debunk it.

        If you don’t want to look into what I suggested, that’s fine. But to spread falsities about hoaxers and distort what they think, is not right (as I’ve seen on a few blog posts & comments on here). The hoaxers I’ve seen (myself included) all care about Michael and want to help in anyway we can whether that means seeking judicial action or helping him in a hoax.

  34. Mitzi
    July 14, 2010 at 19:18

    @Mitzi: “And that is the way Mike wants it.” ???

    “That’s exactly the kind of attitude on both sides of the issue that’s getting people into trouble. Only Michael knows what he wants!”

    ….You are absolutely correct, my wording should have been “Maybe, that is the way Mike wants it.”…..

    “This much is true: no one but Michael himself knows 100% the reasons behind any thing he undertakes. If he did hoax his death, all we can do is observe what’s going on.”

    …What are we observing?? Everything has been hashed over and over. Nothing left to observe unless we see Michael himself and he talks…..

    “Tak notice of anything – as some would like to believe – that “he” may have revealed. All the issues you’ve brought up for him not hoaxing his death has already been heavily discussed. If you want to me reproduce all the information that’s already been debated at length, then that’s just laziness on your part and I question whether you care about Michael at all.”

    ….I HAVE been over all of the information, I never said that I didn’t care about MJ. I just think this has been beat to death at this point….

    “If you really want answers to everything you pose, you’d seek the information. All of this information is summarized really well by the forum in several languages (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/). TS’s updates are also worth reading. TS – who he/she/they really are – doesn’t matter, but the information TS has posted makes logical sense. People need to keep up with the inconsistencies, the information that’s been debunked and the information that remains to be debunked if they’re going to get to the truth of the matter.”

    …See this is what I am saying,We don’t need to get to any truth. IF Michael wants the truth to be known don’t you think he would be the one to tell it?? I still cannot believe that he would have hoaxed his death for a game, a hunt, a “great adventure” it just doesn’t make any sense to me…

    OK so lets agree to disagree….

    oh and btw,apparently Maura had some inside scoop…Maybe she DOES know him personally. or, Just another carrot dangling in front of us….

    • Guest
      July 14, 2010 at 21:01

      “…See this is what I am saying, We don’t need to get to any truth. IF Michael wants the truth to be known don’t you think he would be the one to tell it??”

      That’s another problem: people think Michael is communicating with them! They think the things are being revealed by him – indirectly – and that’s why they’re so passionate and set on spreading the word of the hoax because they strongly believe “he” is telling them to do so.

      But I can agree to disagree.

  35. the arabian nights
    July 14, 2010 at 19:22

    Guest you are really trying to sell the hoax are you a moderator or admin at the MJDHI?

    • Guest
      July 14, 2010 at 20:58

      I’m not trying to sell anything. I just have a hard time with “complacency”.

      • the arabian nights
        July 14, 2010 at 21:39

        welcome new posters, but please read zilda’s post – the site is non hoax.
        that’s all.

        respecting mj

  36. July 14, 2010 at 19:56

    I am amazed at the number of comments on this one, but also happy to see that you are debating it. That’s important. This blog is a non hoax blog. We do not investigate the death of Michael Jackson, nor do we speculate in it. Some here believes he is alive, while others don’t. Some may even believe in elements of the hoax investigations. That is not the important part of this blog, because it is about respect, privacy and justice for Michael and we all find the hoax investigation very disrespectful.

    Michael was investigated all his life. By the medias, by the police and court system, by common people and by the FBI. Now he is being investigated by his fans. We find that sad. To remember and honor Michael there is so much other stuff to talk about.

    Wether he did this to make us believe he is gone or he really is gone, I am going to respect his wish, and treat him like he IS gone.

    In this blog we have a motto:
    If you believe MJ is alive, respect his privacy – if you believe he is gone, respect his memory.

    Think about that..

    July 14, 2010 at 22:52

    Maura, Maura, Maura….you’re theories are floored and you’re investigation skills suck. IF anyone believes you saw a recent video of Michael, they are as gullible as believing the Easter Bunny exists. I’m not short on memory with all you’re past theories (the blonde woman, Murray being white, Murray being Robert Earl Carter…) and it goes on and on. Lets not forget months and months you’re posts to the forum saying that you were afraid and had proof Michael is alive but couldn’t tell us. So afraid back then, yet you’re still yapping you’re mouth off and again (just like back then) you produce NO EVIDENCE. Talk about drama queen!

    You’re grasping at straws to keep follower. Stop being a dumb bi*ch. Anyone of us with half a brain, know you a full of sh*t!

    • the arabian nights
      July 15, 2010 at 08:30

      @HAHAHAHA “you’re still yapping you’re mouth off” a classic

      HAHAHAHA you made me laugh

  38. OfftheWall
    July 15, 2010 at 04:33

    “If you really want answers to everything you pose, you’d seek the information. All of this information is summarized really well by the forum in several languages (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/). TS’s updates are also worth reading. TS – who he/she/they really are – doesn’t matter, but the information TS has posted makes logical sense. People need to keep up with the inconsistencies, the information that’s been debunked and the information that remains to be debunked if they’re going to get to the truth of the matter.”

    Seriously….logical sense???? I am an extremely educated individual and cannot get through of his/her convoluted posts. This hoax is not about illuminati, NWO or mind control. MJHDI is becoming a cult! This whole army of L.O.V.E. – armies work as one unit, one brain, and dissension is looked down upon and those who disagree are banished. They say that the governments are trying to scare you but they are scaring you with all this stuff. I can’t imagine MJ hoaxed his death so he can expose these other conspiracies. Please someone make a direct connection! The illuminati theory was initially about MJ being killed by the illuminati, so it wasn’t even part of the hoax. WAKE UP!!!!

    • Anonymous
      July 16, 2010 at 00:08

      OfftheWall :
      This hoax is not about illuminati, NWO or mind control. MJHDI is becoming a cult! This whole army of L.O.V.E. – armies work as one unit, one brain, and dissension is looked down upon and those who disagree are banished. They say that the governments are trying to scare you but they are scaring you with all this stuff. I can’t imagine MJ hoaxed his death so he can expose these other conspiracies. Please someone make a direct connection! The illuminati theory was initially about MJ being killed by the illuminati, so it wasn’t even part of the hoax. WAKE UP!!!!

      Thank you. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Yes, it is a cult in the making, and it is scary and disturbing as hell to witness. And I do think if it continues down the road it’s going, it has the potential to damage MJ’s legacy. IDK, perhaps that’s what’s really at the root of all this mess…? In any case, clearly, the admins at that forum are not concerned about MJ’s legacy or what’s in his best interest.

  39. the arabian nights
    July 15, 2010 at 10:44

    @OfftheWall “This whole army of L.O.V.E. – armies work as one unit, one brain, and dissension is looked down upon and those who disagree are banished.” they are now specially colour coded on MJDHI – why i have no idea.

    This sort of silly stuff does harm to mjs reputation.

  40. OfftheWall
    July 15, 2010 at 12:26

    @the arabian nights-Yes I have seen that. It is pretty scary. I am really worried about the people who are falling for this hook line and sinker.

    • the arabian nights
      July 16, 2010 at 00:53

      @Offthewall, i have been told that they just changed the colour of some usernames, that they did not ask them before hand, divide and rule, make some feel special? an exclusive club, confusion?

      • OfftheWall
        July 17, 2010 at 06:32

        @the arabian nights, even creepier….

  41. Happy Feet
    July 16, 2010 at 13:32

    I have to say I really like this site, especially ur motto “If you believe he is alive, respect his privacy. If you believe he is gone, respect his memory”. I couldn’t agree more with that statement. For myself I believe that the “hoax theory” has gone above and beyond it’s original intention where people are now seeking out and connecting almost everything to Michael. Although for myself I’m still a 50/50 in the hoax theory, I’ve grown wary with the investigation as people divulge into every little detail of Michael’s life that almost to me seem intrusive and unnecessary. Whether he is with us or not, he still deserves respect and privacy. Sorry off topic there.

    I will add that I don’t believe this “new” revelation or video. My only contribution to this is “Maura a few months ago you said on the forums that you had 100% proof Michael was alive but couldn’t tell us why because you were afraid. If you had 100% proof back then, why do you keep investigating to find more???? 100% means complete right?. I guess then you really didn’t. All in all IF anyone had any solid evidence, they would of produced it by now. You can’t claim you are protecting Michael by not producing the evidence, yet telling everyone about it or that you have it. What’s the difference?????

  42. livinofthewall
    July 17, 2010 at 13:35

    the arabian nights :

    its funny you have to laugh.

    Don’t get me wrong Arabian Nights… I am laughing AT them because I see the most ridiculous things passing the revue

  43. the arabian nights
    July 17, 2010 at 15:59

    sorry had to post this

    “Why The MJ Death Hoax Remains Just A Conspiracy
    Autor: MJHDC~ 11/07/10Some believe that on June 25, 2009 Michael Jackson did not die; he merely faked his death for an unknown purpose. One year later more and more people are looking into the idea that Michael Jackson faked his death.

    But unfortunately with all the people looking into the idea that Michael Jackson faked his death, and is alive and well somewhere, means a few crazies turn up to the party as well.

    Unfortunately the crazies are the ones that catch the attention of people. In the case of the Michael Jackson death conspiracy three crazy people have jumped off the short bus and made their way to the head of the line. But the scary part is that others are giving these crazy people the one thing they actually desire – attention.

    The top three crazies at the moment are Souza; the admin of Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investiagtors, Maura aka MJFanForeverAndADay; an investigator that started out by making Youtube videos on the subject, and Tom aka PianoGames aka CodeOfThriller also gained a following by creating Youtube videos on the subject.

    But with all three, because they got a small following of people hanging on their every word, lost the plot and let their own over-inflated egos get the better of them.

    Souza sits at MJDHI like it is some Nazi concentration camp. Any member who has a thought that does not go with the exact view of the admin is instantly ridiculed and eventually banned for daring to disagree with admin. This has caused problems in the past with Souza doing an article for the Sun newspaper even after being warned by the members that the Sun was nothing but trash. Did Souza listen? No. Were the members proven correct? Yes.

    Souza’s latest plan, or scheme, is nothing more than a spam campaign to attract visitors to the Nazi-style forum. Instead of investigating, researching, or analyzing anything related to Michael Jackson she is organizing some propaganda campaign; and yet she complains about the N.W.O. doing the exact same thing.

    Maura came to her highest peak of fame this week by declaring that she had seen a one minute video showing Michael Jackson alive; and signing a contract. She even publicly announced this. Did she have the video? No. Could she name the person who showed the video? No. And yet somehow this charlatan managed to get people to believe her lies. How soon they forgot that Maura, along with Tom, introduced the bodyguard’s nephew without proof as well – which nobody else has mentioned.

    Give these people investigating the hoax a document from an official source and they will analyze it to death and declare it a fake. But give them a fairytale of a video, with no proof, and they will believe it. Objectivity is thrown out the window. If the amount of effort to debunk ‘false evidence’ was used to verify these various claims then maybe Maura’s ego would not be as inflated as it is.

    Then we have Tom, who on the surface seems a nice enough guy, and is actually the least crazy of the three. But Tom met up with Uri Geller (they live in the same town in England) and has now gone on this crusade that Uri Geller knows everything about the hoaxed death. Which is really strange seems he couldn’t pick up with his psychic powers that Martin Bashir was nothing more than a con artist. Also the other strange thing is that Michael Jackson and Uri Geller were never friends after the ‘Bashir Incident’ – but that was cleared up according to Uri; but only after June 25, 2009 so Michael couldn’t really deny it without blowing his cover.

    So why is Tom following Uri up some country garden path? Who knows, maybe he wants some more bent spoons. But if Tom got back to his usual style and jumped off the Uri Geller Crazy Train he could quite easily drop out of the crazies list.

    But the craziest thing in all of this is that these people are basically representing the Michael Jackson Hoax Death; and these people give off the wrong view of what the whole hoax investigation is all about.

    It is not about the Illuminati. It is not about the New World Order. It is not about unseen and unproven videos. It is not about Uri Geller.

    It is about one person – Michael Jackson and why he did it.

    People investigating the hoax should not give these people the attention they so desire until they actually deserve it. Anyone can say something with regards to clues in the hoax; but time and time again they will fall down when asked to prove it. But this is not the end. Because all the crazies that want that fifteen minutes of online fame are all getting in line to be the next ‘close friend’ or the next ‘informer’ with some inside information. Why? Because right now the lunatics are taking over the asylum. And as long as the people in the hoax are willing to waste their time giving the crazies the attention the line of crazies waiting in the wings will just keep increasing; getting longer and longer. There will be over two thousand Michael Jacksons tweeting, there will be every close friend Michael ever had online telling all. There will be over a thousand non-existent videos of Michael alive.

    And because of this the hoax will look nothing more than some conspiracy theory unless the people investigating do something about it by not giving the crazies their time and attention.

    Word Of The Day: Attercop – A spider.”

  44. the arabian nights
    July 17, 2010 at 16:24

    this guy is so funny i suppose you guys have seen it, but its new to me and i think it is way funny http://mjhdconspiracy.blogspot.com/2009/12/mjhdcom-now-redirects-to-mo-souza.html

  45. the arabian nights
    July 17, 2010 at 17:15

    this is what maura said about being on the radio

    ” Subject: GUYS READ THIS!! (IM GONNA BE ON THE RADIO FREE PR FOR US) Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:27 pm


    Because of my videos, ive been invited to do a radio talkshow!! The topic that day will be the strange things surrounding his death and they will have special segment about “hoax” theories.. Something tells me that for the most part this is just for amusment on their end, but im going to take it and RUN with it! The thing is im a little nervous because I dont want to say too much or sound like an idiot, so I was wondering if you guys can help me out.

    What should I avoid talking about? What should I mention!!

    Im like freaking out right now!!! I cant believe this LOL.

    I was contacted through youtube, but will have details in the next few days about the station and what not! ADVISE ME!!!”

    the comments made were to make sure she got paid, and i so one word about it being for mikes children, just selfishness.

  46. the arabian nights
    July 17, 2010 at 23:37

    so hot news the mj vid
    “New Video Proves Michael Jackson Is Alive
    Autor: MJHDC~ 17/07/10Yesterday, a video was shown to me by the nephew of one of Michael Jackson’s bodyguards. Well, not the nephew to be precise – more like the friend of a friend of this woman who used to clean for this guy who knew this guy who delivered to this guy who knew the friend of a nephew of this bodyguard that worked for Prince, that knew this guy who once slept with this woman who dated this guy that once met the nephew of Michael Jackson’s bodyguard.

    Anyway, the video was shot on July 07, 2010 and features Michael Jackson walking into a room and sitting at a desk and reading a couple of quotes from the latest Nora Roberts book.

    Obviously with all the fake videos, pictures, MySpace accounts, Facebook accounts, and Twitter accounts I wanted it checked out to see if it was real. So I took it to M.A.U.R.A. (Movie And UnReal Audio) laboratories to have the video verified.

    Tom Puckering, a laboratory technician, and not to be confused with PianoGames verified the video. He said “It is definitely real but where is it?” I then explained that the person who had shown me the video had requested to remain anonymous and that I never actually show the video to anyone. So he said “Without seeing the video all I can really say is that it is inconclusive whether the video is authentic.” When I pushed him for something more scientific he said “There is the possibility the video is real but without actually seeing it; it would be difficult to say.”

    So there we have it. A technician says it is possible the video is real. So the proof is there. No need for anyone else to see the video because you have my word that it exists and a technician that stated “There is the possibility the video is real.”

    There is no video. Surprisingly I just that made that up. Why? Because some of the people who are allegedly investigating the hoax will believe anything.

    Maura (aka @WeAreHisVoice) did exactly the same thing. and yet for some unfathomable reason people are willing to believe she has seen a video which she cannot show or say where it came from.

    So to all those that believe Maura’s little fantasy I have some nails from Jesus’ crucifixion for sale. And if that doesn’t get you I also have the actual toilet seat that Elvis supposedly died on too.

    Word Of The Day: Pillaloo – A cry of lamentation or distress.”

  47. the arabian nights
    July 18, 2010 at 00:04

    i love that site – one phase is “Keep the hoax alive – tell someone you hate them.” so true.

    anyone sick of the hoax or rather the people in the hoax should read that site and have a good laugh, they said nice things about this site – good taste.

  48. sublimare
    July 19, 2010 at 17:32

    Not sure I understand the purpose of this blog. It looks like it is in a grey zone, or 1 stone hits 2 birds. No matter how you turn it around, the blog kind is suiting those hoax supporters ideas and also the truth supporters.Actually, what is this blog about? I understand is debating Michael Jackson but what else?

    • July 19, 2010 at 17:35

      This blog is about respect for Michael. Something the hoax is missing. If the hoax wasn’t here, I am not sure the blog would be here either.

  49. the arabian nights
    July 24, 2010 at 10:19

    i am sorry to post this next comment, but here goes:
    i am very concerned for the members at MJDHI, they have been divided in the red and the grey camps, the red camp does the bidding of their masters sumo. they have made what i regard as very loose connections between the two and state that must mean that they hoaxed their deaths. e.g. they both bought property, they both had middle names that they sometimes shortened, they both died of something heart related (wow), real proof of a hoax then(?)

    how about i add a few – they are both were famous, they both wore white on stage, women loved them,

    what a load of …

    what is more surprising is that so many have signed up and are spamming the media. do they think that the junk mail sent will make them look credible, it is a bad joke, and sumo are laughing at them.

    just like the sun press release. they cant find any clues, because there arent any and so they resort to invention. they want credit for the hoax and their investigation, sumo is running a joke on their members, it is a social experiment, and unfortunately the members are subject to sumo’s mind control. one of the red camp has even placed a definition of mind control as their siggy, but they dont realise that they have fallen foul of it themselves.

    sumo do not care about their members, they do not care about mj, elvis or their families and friends.

    if they want to mass spam why not seek the vindication of mike, why not educate the media that they should not reference all their posts with false allegations (which mj was acquitted from), why not ask that they stop calling him “wacko”, why not seek the privacy of his children. why not seek a fairer press.

  50. July 24, 2010 at 13:16

    the arabian nights :

    if they want to mass spam why not seek the vindication of mike, why not educate the media that they should not reference all their posts with false allegations (which mj was acquitted from), why not ask that they stop calling him “wacko”, why not seek the privacy of his children. why not seek a fairer press.

    I agree AN. This spam rally they are on to right now is very concerning. Spam is illegal and those doing it, could get in trouble. I hear people complaining about getting that email and on twitter, they also complain.

    The subject for the mail is down right stupid.
    Again we see Mo & Souza pushing some ideas through and making their members work for it. If they are so into Elvis, I think they should close down MJDHI and make another forum.

  51. karenjoymc
    August 27, 2010 at 22:43

    Zilda….Pia…. LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thanks for the link! As usual…you’re both on top of the situation…. good work!
    Luv yas

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